My future carrier

When I grow up I want to be a animal breeder. I am going to breed dogs, sheep, cows, horses, and pigs. I am going to have to have a big barn to keep them all in when it is raining. I am also going to have to have about 3 pastures. When I breed…

My Horse Bud

My horse Bud is one of the best horses you can have. He is very calm, you could stand on his back, and he would not move. Since is is very calm he is a good people horse. He is very pretty because he is white and brown. He is a little slow, but that…

Why Laila Will be President

Laila will become president because she is leading.She is also is determined, and has things that she will do.That is why Laila will be president.   Laila will be president because she is leading.Laila is leading because she can get people in order.She also always knows what to say.Also because she is there when you…

The Mystery of Kirksville

Once apon a time in the merry little kingdom named Kirksville.There was a day like every day.but today was not a normal day, not at all.The princess was off at school, the king was out of town, and the maids were on errands for the king.At 12:00p.m. there was a light coming from the top…

The Night Pony

The night pony is about a horse named Emerald that is not a ordinary horse she is a night pony.Then,after years of being told that her mom, and dad and her are all night pony’s.She later finds out that she is the only one.After a life time in a cave since her parents are pertaining her.Her parents finally…